Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Watch out for your portfolio projects, my fellow designers....

Two designers, Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler decided to get together on a project for their portfolios.   They came up with a series of ads for the Smithsonian institute.  Here's an example of one:

They creatively bring a subject - History - that can be perceived by some (not me!) as stodgy and dated right into mainstream.  This reaches to the attention-deficit, reality-show, celebrity-news-driven society and reminds them history is rife with badasses and interesting characters.

The message is complete and concise, and you immediately get it. Perfect. Excellent additions to their portfolios.

Well, apparently the ads are so good, they went viral and started attracting a lot of attention.  So the designers  went above and beyond IMHO and contacted the Smithsonian to them aware.  Apparently, the stodgies at the Smithsonian had their uptight, period-appropriate panties in a twist about it, and requested that the posters be taken down immediately.  Instead, the designers removed the Smithsonian logo and replaced it with "Museums".

If I were part of the American Association of Museums or something, I'd be all over hiring these two to launch a campaign for museum awareness.  How can the Smithsonian turn them away?  Wouldn't any free thing that generates interest in the museum, history and education a good thing? Geez!  Pull the stick out, Smithsonian!!

Besides, it was created for a portfolio.  Just like we've all done for our classes and our portfolios.

Historically Hardcore - Smithsonian Ads

Being a HUGE Brett Michaels fan, this poster is my favorite.


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